Watch Sundara Killadi online for free at HD quality, full-length film. Watch Sundara Killadi film online for free. The movie Sundara Killadi has got high rating, from many total votes for watching this movie online. Watch this on the blog. Swapnabhoomi is a village where strange customs and rituals exist. When a water shortage occurs the leader sends a person to inform Premachandran of the situation and request him to come to Swapnabhoomi and dig a well. Because of his poverty, he accepts the advance and agrees.Then he discovers that other workers who had tried to dig a well there died because of earthquake after digging 45 metre of land.
Year: 1998
Genre : Drama
Runtime: 150 minutes
Release Date: 1998-11-30
Actors : Dileep, Shalini, Nedumudi Venu, Babu Namboothiri, Kuthiravattam Pappu